Natalie Zfat

Sep 22, 2020

Life Hack: How to Prevent Cyber Attacks and Protect Your Digital Footprint and Private Data

Updated: Oct 15, 2020

Raise your hand if you've ever been hacked online. (I'm willing to bet your hand is raised.)

Online hacking is actually more common than you might think: 2/3 of U.S. adults on social media have had their security compromised in some way. ⁣

Last week I was joined by cybersecurity expert Joseph Steinberg, who shared some life hacks (😉) for staying safe on the internet.

Here are a few of his top tips:

  1. People think they aren’t a target of hackers. News flash: You are. It doesn’t matter whether your data is sensitive or not -- opportunistic hackers will target anyone they can, and they rely on human error. That means clicking on those strange but intriguing links or downloading that new app with no reviews. When people believe they’re immune to cyber attacks, they are more likely to fall for the very ploys that will get them hacked.

  2. Your password is weak. You wouldn’t believe that in the year 2020, people are still using “password” as their password -- but they are. A strong password does not necessarily mean a string of random letters, numbers and punctuation. Instead, Joseph recommends combining a word that isn’t in the dictionary (like a name or made-up word) and two other random, unrelated words. These types of illogical word combinations are very difficult for hackers to guess, but easy for us to remember.

  3. You are unprotected. People often have malware installed on their computers but rarely have it on their phones. Phones are pocket computers and are even more susceptible to breaches because hackers know they are likely unprotected. Research malware apps, backup software and secure and vetted password managers to install on your devices to ensure that your data is protected. Tip: NEVER save the password to your email account(s) or bank account anywhere except your brain or on paper!

Catch the whole conversation here.

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