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Writer's pictureNatalie Zfat

Is Your Agency Ready for the Privacy Reset? | 2021 Ad Age Small Agency Conference

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Permutive. The opinions and text are all my own.

Privacy, and the use of people’s personal data, has dominated industry news all year. Most of the headlines track how the ad world has reacted to Google's initial announcement that it would no longer service third-party cookies in its market-leading Chrome browser at the end of this year, followed by the tech giant's decision in June to delay third-party cookie deprecation until the end of 2023.

Despite Google's reprieve, the great privacy reset is coming, and for many it's already here. At Ad Age's recent Small Agency Conference, I had the opportunity to interview Elizabeth Brennan, Permutive’s head of advertiser strategy to discuss how agencies should prepare for the end of “a world of centralized data” and the beginning of one built upon decentralized, first-party data.

You can check out the full recap of our conversation in Ad Age.


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