It starts with women.
I recently returned from an unforgettable trip with the Jewish Women’s Renaissance Project, where myself and 31 fellow female Media Magnets spent an incredible eight days in Israel, exploring, documenting and sharing all of the things that make it amazing, harnessing the power of social media to do so.
Myself and media maven Jeannette Kaplun shared our thoughts on empowering women to change the public perception of Israel for i24NEWS – and later took a meeting with Senior Foreign Affairs Advisor to the President of Israel David Saranga in Jerusalem.
“Before social media, the Israeli government couldn’t communicate directly with people or convey real life in Israel,” Saranga said.
“Now, we don’t need anyone to tell people what Israel is all about. People are seeing what their friends are posting.”
In Tel Aviv, we met up with WeWork to learn more about the tech scene in Israel (did you know tech accounts for 50% of Israel’s exports?) – and I also had the honor of speaking at Yad Vashem: World Holocaust Center, where the archivists surprised me with research, photos and records of my grandfather’s family, who was senselessly murdered in the Holocaust in Riga, Latvia in 1941. You can watch the video here.
A sincere thank you to the Israel Ministry of Tourism and JWRP for including me on this once-in-a-lifetime trip.