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Writer's pictureNatalie Zfat

Evolve MKD Influencer Panel

Prior to any speaking engagement, I do my research.

Last week, I joined Evolve MKD for a panel to discuss the influencer marketing industry, and before the panel, I did a search on Google.

I typed “Do influencers” into the search bar – and before I could finish my question, a series of suggested queries populated that shocked me.

The suggestions included:

Do influencers work? (Yes.)

Do influencers get paid? (Hell yes.)

Do influencers have agents?

Do influencers pay taxes?

The list goes on.

These search results made me realize just how little people know about this multi-billion dollar industry – and how important it is to educate people.

Thanks to Evolve MKD to inviting me to speak on the subject of influencer marketing — and interview Hannah Berner, Steph Selter, Gergana Ivanova and Nikki French.


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